Brand Guideline Services

Laying the foundations
for an unshakeable
Make a
name for
How to be
the Yoda to your
Designing a brand
that stands
the test of time
Brand Guideline
We're on hand
when you need us

Our Brand Guidelines make sure that all your marketing and comms materials are consistent with your brand's identity and messaging. It reduces confusion and gets everyone on exactly the same page.

What Are Brand Guidelines?

Brand guidelines are your brand’s rulebook. They’re the instructions that ensure everyone, from your internal team to external partners, represents your brand the way it’s meant to be. These guidelines aren’t just about keeping things pretty; they’re about making sure your brand’s personality shines through, no matter where it’s seen or heard.

Call us for your initial consultation


The Elements of Successful Brand Guidelines

Building a brand that sticks around for the long haul takes more than just good looks. It needs a strategy that ties together every visual and verbal element into a cohesive whole. At Huddle, we create brand guidelines that do just this, making sure your brand’s identity is strong and flexible enough to thrive in any situation. Our brand guidelines are always bespoke, but often include..

Our Brand
Strategy process

Our Brand
Naming process

Our Brand
Storytelling process

Our Brand
Identity process

Our Brand
Toolkit process

Our Brand
Support process


Brand Definitions

We work with you to clearly outline your brand’s unique selling points, mission, vision, and values, making sure these are communicated effectively in every interaction.


Logo Guidelines

Your logo is often the first thing people notice about your brand. We make sure it’s used consistently and correctly, so it always makes the right impression.


Web Design Templates

Your online presence needs to reflect your brand’s identity just as much as your offline materials do. We provide web design templates that ensure your brand is presented consistently across all digital platforms.


Tone of Voice

Your brand’s voice is how it communicates with the world. We help you define this voice so that it’s consistent, whether you’re talking to customers on social media or presenting at a board meeting.



We create glossaries that define the key terms and language your brand uses, ensuring everyone’s on the same page.

Get your new brand guidelines nailed. Contact us today

Huddle Creative’s Comprehensive Approach

At Huddle Creative, we believe in a tailored approach. We don’t just give you a template and send you on your way. We work closely with you to create brand guidelines that truly reflect your brand’s unique identity, both visually and verbally. Our process is thorough and collaborative, ensuring that your brand guidelines are as effective as they are distinctive.

  1. Deep Dive Discovery We start by diving deep into the heart of your brand. This phase is all about uncovering the stories, values, and visions that define who you are. We’ll explore what truly sets your brand apart and how you want the world to see you. This understanding lays the groundwork for the guidelines we create.
  1. Hone Your Brand Strategy and Story Once we’ve got a clear grasp of your brand’s DNA, we refine your brand’s blueprint. Here, we’ll define the key pillars of your brand identity: logo, typography, colour palette, and tone of voice. This step is crucial to making sure every element feels authentic and tells your brand’s story effectively.
  1. Craft Your Brand Identity Next, we’ll bring your brand identity to life with careful design. This phase blends creativity with strategy to produce a brand guidelines document that’s both comprehensive and practical. Every detail is thoughtfully crafted to ensure your brand’s visual and verbal identity stays consistent across all touchpoints.
  1. Capture in Brand Guidelines Finally, we’ll present your brand’s new playbook, your comprehensive brand guidelines. We don’t just hand it over and walk away. Instead, we’ll walk you through the guidelines, making sure you’re ready to apply every element effectively. As your brand grows and evolves, we’ll be there to tweak the guidelines, keeping your brand in sync with its core identity.

The Key Principles of Successful Brand Guidelines

The Key Principles of Successful Brand Guidelines


Brand guidelines should ensure consistency across all touchpoints, making sure your brand is represented in a unified and cohesive way, no matter where or how it’s seen.


Brand guidelines need to be easily accessible to everyone who needs them, from internal teams to external partners. This ensures everyone stays on the same page when representing your brand.

User Friendly

Effective brand guidelines should be easy to navigate, with clear instructions and examples. When the guidelines are straightforward, there’s no excuse for getting things wrong.


Your brand guidelines should be regularly updated to reflect changes in the market, audience behaviour, or the brand itself. They should be a living document that grows and evolves along with your brand.

Get your brand guidelines in order. Contact Huddle Creative

Brief us

We know you have questions. Whether you’re a branding expert or if you feel out of your depth, it comes down to finding like-minded people you can connect with, trust to a great job, and feel excited about working with.

Get in touch and find out if we are your kind of people. Or you can click below and fill out our super simple briefing form.

Client testimonials

You can take our word for it. Or you can take theirs.

"The reason we ended up choosing Huddle was because we didn’t want a cookie-cutter approach that other agencies were offering us, we wanted someone who would really get to know our Firm and push us to not be afraid to be a bit different in our sector. We’re incredibly happy with the final product. It’s a great balance of being different like we wanted, but also being realistic about who we are as a Firm and how we market our brand in the legal sector. Our new brand is exciting and fresh, but because it is quite flexible and adaptable, it has more longevity which is what we also really needed. We’ve even had competitors ask us who we used for our rebrand!!"

Noni Garratt Wall

Head of Marketing

Charles Russell Speechlys