In the old world of property auctions, a slow, ponderous process riddled with deflection and often deception, a gentleman’s name is no longer his bond. This world is going to be shaken up by a newcomer with heritage, a disrupter who will stand out in the marketplace by referring to themselves only by a number: 574
Property auctions have taken a long time to get online. They are traditionally physical auctions held in large public venues, such as hotel ballrooms, and the whole process is time-consuming and very often opaque.

Long-established commercial property consultancy Lambert Smith Hampton ( wants to modernise the process, making properties available instantly in a fully transparent environment. They knew they were disrupting the market and they wanted a brand to match, but at the same time the brand had to make sense to the target audience.
The brand name 574 represents no single thing about auctions, but it can be inferred to mean many things: Bidding numbers, lot numbers, maybe even property addresses. Its link to Lambert Smith Hampton is relatively simple - take a look at the numbers on your phone... More than anything else, it feels digital - a key requirement of the brief.

To pull this off we had to go bold. We dispensed with the traditional indicators of classic typefaces and muted corporate colours and instead went with a bright colour palette and the strongest typeface we could think of, Post Grotesk, to represent the number itself. Gone are images of tired properties - we wanted the focus to be on the numbers we can deliver for clients.

Its primary color is an optimistic and disruptive green, the secondary color palette is used for corporate stationery, marketing materials and to bring some diversity.