
The 13 Types of Branding: Explained

Branding is an essential part of any business, and it's important to know the different types of branding available in order to make your mark on the world. But what exactly are these types of branding? How do you use them? And what makes them so special?

In this article, we'll explore all that and more as we delve into the exciting world of branding! From personal branding to wider corporate branding projects, there's something for everyone – so get ready to learn about the 13 types of branding and how they can help take your business or project to new heights!

A brief introduction to branding basics

First things first, let's start with the basics: what is branding?

Well, branding is essentially your way of representing your business or product to potential customers, and it can take many forms.

From logo design, website design, and promotional material to marketing campaigns and advertising efforts – all of these are essential components of any successful branding project.

Brand identity, brand strategy, and brand values are all key concepts when it comes to understanding the different types of branding. To create a successful branding campaign, you need to understand how each type of branding works and be able to apply them in the right way.

Before we dive into that, here are some branding basics to help you get started:

  1. Brand identity is the face of your company. It's what customers see when they interact with you, and it's also how they will remember you. It encompasses everything from your logo to the colours used in your digital design.
  2. Brand strategy is the plan of action that guides all of your branding efforts. It should be well thought out and include goals, objectives, and a timeline for achieving them.
  3. Brand values are the guiding force behind your brand. They are the beliefs that customers can expect to be upheld by your business, and they should be reflected in all of your branding efforts, including your brand identity and brand strategy.

The 13 Types of Branding: Explained

There are a wide range of branding types and techniques available, but here we'll focus on the 13 types that can help you create an effective and powerful brand, no matter who you are or what industry you're in.

Personal branding

Personal branding is all about establishing yourself as an expert in your field and creating a unique identity. It's important to create content that accurately reflects who you are and what you do, while also connecting with potential customers.

From creating a website, to blogging, to using social media - there is so much you can do when it comes to personal branding. Your personal brand should be something that sets you apart from the competition, so get creative and have fun with it!

Personal branding is perfect for entrepreneurs, freelancer marketers, and consultants who want to stand out in their field and build a solid foundation for successful business ventures. And with the rise of the influencer, it's become even more important for business leaders and individuals to get their personal branding right.

Corporate branding

Corporate branding is all about creating a unified look and feel across your company's website, products, services, and marketing materials. It should be consistent throughout, with the goal of building brand recognition and loyalty.

When it comes to corporate branding, don't forget the importance of storytelling. Your customers should be able to connect with your story, which is why it's important to create content that conveys your brand values and really resonates with them.

Corporate branding can help you create a strong, unified presence that will make it easier for customers to identify and trust you. It's perfect for larger organisations that want to establish their brand on a global scale.

Product branding

Product branding is all about making your product stand out in a crowded market. From packaging design to marketing campaigns, the key is to make sure that your product stands out and is memorable.

Think of product branding as an art form - it's about creating something that speaks to customers and makes them want to buy. Make sure you identify the key elements that make your product unique and highlight them when creating content.

Product branding is perfect for small businesses or large companies with a wide range of products, all competing for attention in the marketplace. It can also be used to create brand loyalty by reminding customers why they love your product and encouraging them to come back for more.

Service branding

Service branding is about creating a unique experience that customers will remember. It's not just about the service you provide, it's also about how you make your customers feel throughout their journey with your service.

When it comes to service branding, think about ways to go above and beyond for your customers. Whether it's through stellar customer service, helpful content, or exclusive rewards - make sure that you are providing a memorable experience.

Service branding is important for companies who want to build trust and loyalty with their customers. It can be used to turn one-time customers into repeat customers, helping your business grow and succeed in the long run.

Ingredient branding

Ingredient branding is the process of using a signature ingredient to distinguish your product from the competition. It's all about finding unique elements that make your product stand out, and then using them to create an experience that customers will remember.

From craft beer, to artisanal chocolate, to organic skincare products - ingredient branding can be used in a variety of ways. Make sure you find elements that are both unique and relevant to your brand, so customers can easily associate them with your product.

Ingredient branding is perfect for companies that want to stand out from the competition and build a strong, recognizable brand. It's also great for small businesses who are looking for an effective way to differentiate their product in a crowded marketplace.

Of course if you make ingredient branding a priority, it has to bear fruit in terms of product quality and uniqueness.

So for a craft beer brand, breaking the mold with left-field inclusions cannot be a one-shot novelty; you also need to optimize your brewing process with tools like Ollie, carry out tests to ensure new products impress your target audience, and keep an eye on feedback so that this can be a positive step for your brand.

Conscious branding

Conscious branding, also known as ethical or eco branding, is all about being mindful of the environment and society when creating your brand. It's about creating products that are not only good for the planet, but also promote positive social change.

According to a Nielsen report, two-thirds of consumers across the globe said they would pay more for products from companies committed to having a positive social and environmental impact.

When it comes to conscious branding, think about ways to make your product or service more sustainable and ethical. From eco-friendly packaging to fair trade materials - there are plenty of ways to show your customers that you are committed to creating a better world.

Conscious branding is great for companies who want to make a difference in the world and show their commitment to sustainability. It's also perfect for businesses who want to attract socially-conscious customers and create an impactful brand presence.

Retail branding

Retail branding is all about creating a unique experience for customers when they visit your store. From in-store events to clever merchandising - it's about making sure that your store stands out from the competition and provides an unforgettable experience for shoppers.

Think of retail branding as an extension of your brand story - make sure you use digital signage, visuals, and product displays to tell a story and make sure customers understand your message. Make sure you also take advantage of digital tools, like in-store Wi-Fi or interactive displays, to create an even more engaging experience.

Think about the Apple store for a second. Think about the Apple store for a second. Apple does an amazing job when it comes to retail branding - from their sleek design elements to their helpful customer service, they have created a tangible and unforgettable experience that customers can't help but love.

Retail branding is perfect for businesses who have physical stores, as it helps them stand out from the competition and create a memorable experience for customers. It's also great for companies who want to build loyalty and create long-term relationships with their customers.

Geographical branding

Geographical branding, or cultural branding, is a way to tap into the power of symbols, colours, and images from a certain culture or geographical area as a part of your brand. Think about using local landmarks, colours, music, and even language to create an authentic experience for customers.

Perfect for those in the tourism industry, cultural and geographic branding can help to create a strong connection with customers and create an atmosphere that customers will find authentic and engaging.

Think about the way in which airlines use iconic images from a certain geographical area - like a Colosseum for Rome or the Eiffel Tower for Paris - to evoke feelings of romance, adventure, and nostalgia. These images can be powerful marketing tools that help to create a strong connection with customers, build loyalty, and boost sales.

Online branding

If you want your brand to be instantly recognizable, online branding and digital marketing campaigns are key. Online branding is all about creating a powerful presence on your website, social media and other digital platforms, like Google Ads or email campaigns.

Think of ways to use digital design, creative content, visuals, videos, posts, and stories to create an engaging experience for customers - make sure you use language that resonates with your target audience and keeps them coming back for more.

For example, you can use an online video creator to incorporate captivating videos into your branding strategy for use on your website and social channels etc.

When creating an online branding strategy make sure you keep track of your progress and adjust your strategy along the way using current marketing trends.

One unique potential way to do this is with online marketing games, these can quickly help brands get customer attention. Branded games can be entertaining, rewarding, and fun. Giving gamers deals, freebies, or even promotional coupons may only increase their desire to interact with a company.

Online branding is perfect for businesses who want to create an active presence on the web and reach new customers. It's also great for companies who want to build loyalty with existing customers and show them that they understand their needs and wants by meeting them where they spend their time - the web.

Offline branding

Offline branding is all about using traditional marketing methods, like print advertising or TV commercials, to reach customers and build your brand. Think of ways to use visuals, sales videos, and audio content to create an engaging experience for customers - make sure you also take advantage of outdoor signage and other physical channels to create a strong presence in your target audience's everyday lives.

While the world may have moved online in a lot of ways, offline branding remains a powerful tool - used correctly, it can help to create a strong connection with customers and build loyalty. It's also great for companies who want to reach new customers and make their brand instantly recognizable.

Further, if your target audience is dominantly of an older generation, offline branding may be more effective for reaching them. By investing in the channels that they use, you can create a strong connection with them and standout in a crowded market.


Debranding is a type of branding strategy that involves removing the name of your company or product and other aspects of your brand from the product itself, in order to create a more universal appeal. It often works well with companies who have a wide range of products and want to emphasise their design rather than their brand, such as tech giants like Apple and Samsung.

It's also great for businesses who want to target different customer segments without alienating others. By removing the brand's name from their products, they can create a more universal appeal and reach customers in different markets.

Debranding can also be used to help enhance your product design and make it more aesthetically pleasing - rather than having a logo or slogan on your product, you can focus on sleek, modern design that will draw attention and create a strong connection with customers.


One key type of branding that shouldn't be forgotten is rebranding. Rebranding is all about completely refreshing or revamping your company's image in order to stay relevant and attract new customers.

It can involve changing up your brand name, logo, website design, colours, slogans, messages and anything else associated with your brand to make sure it stays current and resonates with today's customers.

It's also great for companies that have merged or been taken over and need to re-align their brand with their new identity, as well as businesses who want to create a more modern look for their existing brand.

Rebranding takes time, effort and money – but it can be worth it if done correctly. By investing in a full refresh, you can give your brand the boost it needs to stay ahead of the game and create a strong connection with your customers.

Co branding

Co-branding is another key type of branding, and involves collaborating with other brands to create a branded product, service or project that can benefit both businesses. It's a great way for companies to reach new customers and expand their existing customer base.

For example, if you're a tech startup looking to increase your reach in the gaming industry, you might partner up with a well-established gaming hardware manufacturer to create a co-branded product. This could help to give your brand more visibility in the industry, as well as allowing you to tap into the existing customer base of the partner company.

Co branding can also be used to build relationships with influencers and other businesses in your industry, which can help to create a strong connection with your target audience and strengthen your brand reputation.

If you're having a hard time finding influencers to work with consider working with an influencer agency to help you identify and connect with relevant influencers who align with your brand values and target audience.

Using the different types of branding

Overall, there are many different types of branding strategies that businesses can use to create a strong connection with their target audience.

Whether you're looking to create an online presence, reach out to new customers with offline media, implement geographic branding, cultural branding, or simply want to make your product design more appealing - each type of branding strategy can help to build a strong connection with your customers and boost your brand image.

By investing in the right branding strategy for your business, you can create a strong connection with your target audience and stand out from the competition. And by utilising these different types of branding, you can make sure that your company is always one step ahead.

Final thoughts

So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the different types of branding and find out which one works best for your company today. With a little bit of research and dedication, you can create an effective brand strategy that will help to differentiate your business from the competition.

For expert support transforming your brand, Huddle can help. Our leading branding services take care of everything from logo design and brand messaging to digital design, UX and content, so you can focus on running your business.

Contact us today to start creating a strong connection with your customers and make sure that your brand stands out in an ever-growing market.

Get started today with a free brand audit.

Types of branding FAQs

What are the main types of branding?

The main types of branding are online branding, offline media, geographic branding, cultural branding and product design. However, as listed above, there are a number of different types of branding that you can utilise depending on your business’s needs.

What are the main types of branding strategies?

The main types of branding strategies include rebranding, co-branding and influencer marketing. When used alongside other elements such as product design and advertising campaigns, these strategies can help to strengthen your brand reputation and create a strong connection with your target audience.

What are the 3 types of brands?

The three main types of brands are corporate, product and personal. Corporate brands identify a company or organisation, product brands refer to products or services and personal brands focus on individuals or particular groups.