Branding and Creativity: 5 Key Takeaways
They say there’s no better way to learn a language than to immerse yourself in it. For the past 12 weeks, I’ve immersed myself in the language of creativity at Huddle and I feel I’m more proficient than ever. I’ve had the opportunity to intern creatively all over the USA from the Rocky Mountains of the West to the high-rises of Chicago. However, London and the Huddle team have instilled in me a unique respect for creativity.
Below are 5 different things I’m taking away from my time at Huddle. Lessons I’ve already learned reaffirmed themselves, and brand new teachings engrained themselves too. I’m sad to say bye to Huddle, but thrilled to see how these lessons travel with me.
Good ideas can come from anywhere.
I think one of Huddle’s strengths is the unique way the team collaborates. Projects feed the energy of the whole team. Folks from new business, marketing, finance, or HR can all gather around a screen and critique as one team, and there is strength in this. The best inspiration for a project can come from the most obscure place or the quietest team member. A respectful ear and an open mind has led to beautiful, sound work for our clients.
Diversity is the key to beautiful work.
I’ve met people from all over in this office: Londoners, Northerners, Israelis, and Lithuanians. As a Mexican-American millennial, I was curious how I’d mesh in personally and professionally. The outcome, however, was better inspiration and collaboration. Every day I could bring unique personal things to creative meetings, and enjoy the personal learnings of others. There’s lots of Texas that my team hasn’t seen, but much of the U.K. I haven’t seen either. But, the brilliant and effective thing is that we have both when we exist together.
Stick to your guns.
The variables in any one project could be endless. Time, budgets, talent, desire, competition, red tape, etc. Regardless, the goal is always to bring the best work possible to life. Amid edits and criticism, beautiful work must be defended and for good reason. I’ve learned that, simply put, it’s in our clients’ best interest to defend good design. It’s their reputation on the line and we owe them honesty to encourage better business. Committing to standard of excellence only pushes your above and beyond.
Pressure makes diamonds.
At any agency, the deadlines and work can pile up quickly all at once. At times this became the case at Huddle, but it reinforced a lesson: go with your gut. Choosing what inherently feels right for your brand ultimately is the direction you need to go. The pressure (when properly applied) can lead a team to victory.
Love what you do and do it well.
This is probably the lesson I’ve learned most deeply. I feel I’ve had such terrific and formative experiences at Huddle because these people love what they do, and they do a kick-ass job of it. Creating is a strength and passion for each of these individuals, which made the perfect environment to grow and ask questions. Loving the things I do, and striving to be the best at them, will be a mantra that follows me outside of the workplace.